So Swiftly Does the Sun Rise

Yes, this is nearly the same shot I posted yesterday. It has the same two friendly oak galls nestled comfortably in the crook of the oak leaf..


Nikon D5100 f/5.6 ISO800 1/250sec 210mm – Summer 2012

But the sun has sprung up and is shining glorious, brilliant light over all our 40 acres, even these two humble galls!


These two little oak galls seem to be leaning in to each other, as though to share secrets or offer comfort. Yes, anthropomorphism at its finest!


Nikon D5100 f/5.6 ISO 800 1/250sec 195mm – Summer 2012

I was out at sunrise the other morning, watering the little fruit trees. These bright orange-yellow galls caught my eye. Their color is certainly enhanced by the glow of sunrise, and that is part of what caught my eye, but what I like the most is their attitude of leaning in toward each other, and the appearance of being cradled by the leaf.